After a 33 year law enforcement career I retired in 2022. I am enjoying retirement and have found I have plenty of free time to enjoy my hobbies, one of which is photography. I don't claim to be a great photographer but I do enjoy the photographic process.
My first official exposure to photography was in junior high school where I took a couple of photography classes from Mr. Vince Moragues. We learned the basics and developed our own photos. Yep, that was back in the days of film. I used dad's camera, which I think was a Minolta SR-T. Some days I think back and can still smell the chemicals in the darkroom.
As the world of photography moved into the digital realm I rediscovered an enjoyment of taking photos. I quickly became a dad with a camera and a big lens, taking photos of our kids and their school activities. I am now a grandfather with a camera, yeah!
Since getting a Nikon FG-20 as a high school graduation gift from my parents, I have moved through a progression of cameras, film and digital, and currently shoot with a Fujifilm X-T4.
Check out my portfolios and let me know what you think.
May you enjoy my photos as much as I enjoy taking and sharing them.
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